Makeup Highlighting Tips



What tips do you have for highlighting and defining brow and cheek bones? Use Gabriel Bone eye shadow or ZuZu Luxe Platinum eye show to highlight and define brow bone. Tip: Use Uber or Hope lipstick on top of brow highlighter, because of the silver shimmer when the light hits it that area will be highlighted. For cheek bones contour with blush just below the cheek bones.


How do you maintain a ‘bronzed’ look, but don’t over do it for the winter time? Only apply where the sun would naturally hit the skin; bridge of nose, cheeks, hairline and jaw line. We suggest our bronzers in either D-28 or D-32. If a bronzer with no shimmer is desired you can use Gabriel Dual Powder Deep Beige for a more matte look.

Keep checking back for more great makeup tips from Gabriel!  Stay beautiful!


Perfect Your Pout

The Heartbreaker Collection features two sets in either warm or cool tones designed to create the perfect pout! With Valentine’s Day around the corner I wanted to share the steps I take to create the perfect pout.

Heartbreaker_Tutorial-2Gabriel Cosmetics- Valentine Sheet


 STEP ONE: Prep & Prime

Prep your lips with an application of Gabriel Organics Marine Lip Treatment to ensure your lips are soft and smooth (be sure to blot, lips should be moist not wet). Prime them with foundation and powder. This helps prolong the lipstick and creates a blank canvas

 STEP TWO: Line Lips

Line your lips to create the desired shape. Use a lip liner with a dull point rather than freshly sharpened, this will create a softer, prettier definition.

 STEP THREE: Fill in Lips

Fill in entire lip area with the lip liner used to shape your lips. This will help prolong the lipstick.


STEP FOUR: Apply Lipstick (ZZL Starlet Lipstick from the Heartbreaker Collection is used in picture)

You can always apply straight from the tube however using a lip brush helps with precision, I actually dipped the lip brush into the tip of the lipstick.

 COLORS USED: ZuZu Luxe Cherry lip liner and ZuZu Luxe Starlet Lipstick from the Heartbreaker Collection.

 Send us your pics, we would love to see your Perfect Pouts!


Perfect Your Pucker.

Credit: T. Arroyo/PictureGroup

T. Arroyo/PictureGroup

VERA’S RUBY LIPS photo/Vera Farmiga ZuZu Luxe Lipstick in Vino De Amor

  • Start with smooth, clean lips.  TIP:  use the Gabriel Organics Red Seaweed Gentle Exfoliator.
  • PRIME the lips using your favorite Gabriel Color or ZuZu Luxe concealer all over the lip area.
  • APPLY your pucker perfect lipstick shade directly to the lips and use your lip brush to soften edges.

For extra staying power:  blot once and reapply color  To add shine:  apply your favorite lip gloss on top



Get this look!


Jessica Alba

Jessica Alba looked stunning at the 2013 Golden Globes. She popped in a bright tangerine lipstick. Rock this look yourself with Gabriel Cosmetics online exclusive Coral, available now!

Get this same look using our all natural, gluten-free, cruelty free and vegan Gabriel Color lipstick as seen on our model below:


Simply Simons Photography

To create this look the models lips were lined with Fresh lip liner from ZuZu Luxe by Gabriel Cosmetics.  Instead of applying lipstick color straight from the tube try using a lipstick brush like Gabriel’s Lip Brush for precise application.


Gabriel Q&A


  1.  What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?  Procrastination
  2. What is the trait you most deplore in others?  Being late.
  3. What is your greatest extravagance?  Vintage bottle of red wine or champagne.
  4. On what occasion do you lie?  To not hurt someone’s feelings.
  5. What do you consider your greatest achievement?  Gabriel Cosmetics!  Celebrating 20 years!
  6. If you died and came back as a person or thing what do you think it would be?  A lotus flower.
  7. What is your most treasured possession?  My excellent memory.
  8. What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?  Not having a roof over your headk, especially when it is raining.
  9. What is it that you most dislike?  Restaurants not having enough options for people with food allergies (gluten free)or restricted diets (vegan).

Cool vs. Warm Skin Tones

I think most people should know if they have warm or cool undertones. Knowing this is important in choosing cosmetics, clothing and hair color. The quickest way for someone to determine this is to ask themselves the following question;

What color looks best on me, pink or peach?

Pink: Cool undertones
Peach: Warm undertones
