Switch up your skin care regimen for fall.


Sadly summer is over but now is the perfect time to switch up your skin care regimen!  Summer took its toll on your skin while it saw the sun, sweat, salt water and chlorine.

First things first, for both body and face choose a different cleanser. You will want one that is gentle yet gives you a higher moisture level. Your skin is probably drier due to all the sun, sweat and chlorine.

Be aware that you should also exfoliate at least once a week. Some people think they need to scrub their face with a brush or washcloth.  We at Gabriel Cosmetics always believe that natural is best, so look for alternatives to a face scrub that contains synthetic micro beads. Exfoliating will remove dead skin cells and allow bright, healthy skin to show through.

Now let’s discuss moisturizing. If your skin dries out during cold months, think about changing your moisturizer.  If it gets extremely dry during the colder seasons, start applying your moisturizer right before you sleep. Even if your skin type is oily you can benefit from moisturizer, just choose one made for that skin type.  For extra dry skin try using a hydrating mist for added moisture.

Lastly, drink plenty of water and protect your skin with sunscreen.  Your skin still needs protection even though it’s no longer summer time.

Give the extra love and attention that your skin deserves this fall and you’ll be thankful once winter hits!



Maggie’s 5 tips to looking after your skin

This is a great blog from one of our makeup artists Maggie on taking care of your skin!

1. Nutrition

Nutrition is at the top of my list, why? Simply because our bodies need fuel in helping  everything function and work as one, including our skin. We can control a lot of what our skin does just by simply understanding what foods work for us. 1. Vitamins A,E, and C are just a few of the great sources in keeping the skin looking vibrant and healthy. 2. Minerals are as important for the skin as they are for the body and brain. here is a link to help you understand what minerals and vitamins can help you with. http://www.livestrong.com/article/265734-a-list-of-vitamins-and-minerals-and-what-they-are-good-for/

2. Hydrate

It’s easy, it’s free and it’s super important to keeping the skin looking plumped and glowing.  However, did you also know that water is one of the most important things you can intake to help your body function properly according to Chinese medicine. Like Western medicine, you can’t live without it. They both view water at least 70% of the human body and roughly 80% of your blood. Western medicine focuses on the kidneys and the bladder as the critical organs involved in water processing in the body. Eastern medicine according to the laws of the Five Elements water is the element through which all our power and energy is derived it is in charge of our growth and development, our bones, our brains our courage and our Will. This is only a portion of what Eastern medicine believes water function helps with the body. So drink water and consume lots of vegetables and fruit to keep the body and skin feeling and looking it’s best everything coexists together and water helps flush and move everything through our systems.

3. Sweating

Sweating by working out  helps the body purge out toxins that can clog pores and plague your skin with pimples and blemishes. Just remember after you have worked out to wash your face or take a shower to help prevent bacterial or fungal infections that may occur from dirt clogging up your pores. Toning the muscles beneath the skin helps the skin feel and look firmer and elastic in appearance. Toning your muscles may also help to minimize the appearance of cellulite. When you exercise it also increases the blood flow within your body which in return brings circulation up towards the skin which helps carry nutrients throughout the body and in return improves your skin health. And let’s not forget that working out help relieve tension and stress. Sauna’s

Sweating in a sauna is another great way to purge the body of toxins…but knowing how to use a sauna is important so you don’t get sick.  Here is a link to help you understand how to use a sauna. http://dellaterrawellness.com/the-health-benefits-of-saunas-and-what-you-might-be-doing-wrong/ Benefits of using a sauna are immense. Here is another great link to showcase what sweating in sauna’s can help improve when it comes to body and skin health. http://www.coffsnaturalmedicine.com/sauna.htm

4. Rest/Pamper

Yup, the correct amount of body, mind and spirit rest is as important as eating or hydrating. You work Monday -Sunday either in your career or as family or friend and all of interaction can create stress on all levels. It’s important to take time out for yourself by yourself. Get a massage, facials, sleep or run a bath for yourself with NO ONE around and relax is so vital for the body and mind to rejuvenate.

Stress causes a chemical response in your body that makes the skin more sensitive and reactive. Skin problems can worsen  and may also react even more to specific foods or environment elements and top of all of that, skin stress can create more stress. Go figure that one. :O Yes your kids, career husband or wife are extremely important but what  good are you if you not fully energized and ready to be 100% present with them. Take the time out for you.

5.  Skin Care Treatments

You probably would have thought skin care treatments would be at the top of my list of things to do to ensure great skin. Well in some cases yes, if you have severe skin problems then seeing a dermatologist should be at the top of your list. However, if that’s not the case, then no, skin care treatments like at home masks, cleanser, toners, serums and lotions are at the bottom of the list. These products are all to help and enhance what is going on natural with your skin. So getting facials and peels are all a part of what your skin is doing naturally. Having a cleanser, toner, serum and lotion are all important products to have for taking care of your skin morning, noon and night.

1. Cleansers are to help the skin be clean by removing dirt, sweat, excess sebum (oils naturally produced by the skin), cosmetics, dead skin cells, bacteria, and any pollutants that come in contact with your skin. Cleansers are much gentler than soap, so all of you that wash your face with hand soap, NOT a good idea. 2. A lot of people I know skip the step of adding a toner to their facial cleansing regimen. It is a very important step because it helps restore the PHbalance in your skin. Which basically means the level acidity. You face need a certain amount of oil to stay waterproof and resistant to infection. Here are 6 reasons on why you should add a toner to your facial cleansing routine. a. Returns your ph balance. b. Helps shrink pours. c. it adds a layer of protection d. It moisturizes e. It refreshes the skin f. It also can percent ingrown hairs. 3. Serums one of the most modern skincare inventions, can really make that extra boost in relatively short period. They are usually water or oiled based and they have a gel-like feel to them. Serums are able to penetrate into all three layers of the skin quickly and effectively because it is made of really small molecules. Serums can me be made for under eyes, face or neck so you’ll need to decide on what you want to use it on. Use your serum after you have cleansed and toned. 4.  Moisturizer is the last product in the processes of your daily facial care. Moisturizers help restore moisture, give back vitamins, and may also contain SPF to help protect from UV rays.

There are a lot of different types of moisturizers on the market, use the brand/product that will target what you’re looking to improve or maintain. For example, fight wrinkles, aging skin, dry or oily skin.

Here are a few of my favorite Facial care companies.
1. Gabriel Cosmetics Inc. – http://www.gabrielcosmeticsinc.com/
2. DeVita Natural Skin Care – http://devitaskincare.com/store/
5. proactive – http://www.proactiv.com/?uci=ous111&s_kwcid=TC|1026596|proactive||S|e|22448738538&cid=cov183p260316                                                                                                                                                                                                       04/2013 Face It! by Maggie You’re Worth It

Taking care of your skin.

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Want to delay aging and prevent problematic skin? Follow these easy steps:

• Protect your skin from the sun by using SPF or seeking the shade
• Cleanse and moisturize skin daily. As well as drinking plenty of water.
• Eat a healthy diet
• Do not smoke
• Try to limit your stress

How to determine your skin type?
Normal/Combination: Normal will not show traces of oil and will be least problematic. Combination will have areas of both dry and oily.
Dry/Dehydrated: Skin will feel dry, flaky and tight.
Oily/Overactive: Can look shiny, feel greasy, has large pores and acne/breakouts.

How often should you exfoliate?
Exfoliating removes dead skin cells and dirt leaving your skin soft and glowing! How many times a week you should exfoliate depends on the scrub. Our Red Seaweed Gentle Exfoliator is so gentle and soft you can use it every day as opposed to a more coarse scrub. The general rule is 2-3 times a week but skip it if your skin is feeling dry or irritated.

Should I include a mask in my skin care regimen?
Studies have shown that masks are worthwhile. Masks can balance out oily skin as well as making skin feel and look better. I would recommend using weekly to balance the skin. Both of our masks can be used on any skin type.

Sea Clay Purifying Mud Mask: A fresh blend of sea minerals and clays specifically formulated for its purifying, astringent and clarifying effect. This mineral-rich clay mask cleanses and purifies the skin by absorbing surface impurities and excess sebum. Seaweed helps to smooth an soothe, while sea kelp and aloe vera provide humectants and anti-irritants to moisturize and heal skin
Seaweed Hydrating Mask: An active formula of blue green algae, amino acids and plant extracts precisely blended to provide just the amount of hydration and resiliency needed for all skin types. Spirulina and sea fennel have been added to maximize the hydrating benefits. Vitamin E and aloe vera help to soothe and heal minor irritations, making this the ideal treatment to calm the effects of excessive sun exposure.

Gabriel Organics Specialty Skin Care Sets are formulated to benefit each skin type:

Normal to Combination
These Gabriel Organics skincare products were formulated especially for people whose skin type is neither oily nor dry, although there may be some shine in the “T-Zone ” area, to keep your complexion clear, smooth and radiant.
Normal to Combination Skincare Series (will include full size cleanser and moisturizer and a 2oz travel size tonic) $49.20 $35.00

These Gabriel Organics skincare products were formulated specially for people with oily complexions to reduce oil production, mattify skin and unblock pores
Oily to Overactive Skincare Series (will include full size cleanser and moisturizer and a 2oz travel size tonic) $49.20 $35.00

These Gabriel Organics skincare products were formulated specially for people with dry, dehydrated skin to restore a radiant, youthful-looking complexion and reduce the appearance of premature fine lines and wrinkles.
Dry Dehydrated Skincare Series (will include full size cleanser and moisturizer and a 2oz travel size tonic) $58.00 $35.00

In addition to a basic, daily skin care treatment plan, most complexions require special treatment from time to time. Your skin may show outward signs of emotional or physical stress, environmental effects, or the change of seasons. Gabriel Organics addresses these special needs through a selection of results-oriented intensive treatment products, which help to bring the skin back to its normal balance. These products are beneficial to all skin types.
Specialty Skincare Series (Full size Red Seaweed Gentle Exfoliator, Sea Clay Purifying Mud Mask and Seaweed Hydrating Mask) $81.95 $49.50